
Cyber Insurance

Protects the company’s IT systems and data.

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Every company whose activities depend on data and information systems faces cyber risks.


Cyber attack

Malicious activity against computer systems or the data contained on them.


Data breach

Breach of important data for public use, data ending up in the use of the wrong person or a criminal.

Inimlik viga

Human error

An employee clicks on hidden malware, leaks data or makes an uncontrolled transaction.

Ransomware attack

Malware encrypts data and systems and demands money to return them.

Invoice fraud

Money is transferred to the criminal’s account due to a fake invoice or changed account number.

95% of cyber attacks start with a human error.

Hackers attack every 39 seconds

It takes almost six months until a data breach is discovered

In the case of a cyber attack, the question is not whether but to what extent the incident will take place.

Juhi küberriske

Manage cyber risks

Identify threats, security vulnerabilities, probabilities of incidents and impact.

Otsuste vaidlustamine

Invest in security measures

Train employees and invest in security technology.


Take insurance

Choose insurance based on the cyber risks of the business.

Jälgi olukorda

Monitor the situation

Be aware of activities and discover anomalies before it is too late.

750 000 € eest kahjunõudeid ja õiguskulusid

EUR 750,000 in damages and legal costs

An employee of a law firm downloaded a virus on to their computer, which spread to the company’s computer network, destroyed data and was transmitted to the customers’ computer networks. The customer sued the law firm because the latter should have been able to prevent the spread of the virus.

Ligi 1 mln € väärtuses süsteemide asendamine ja äritegevuse seiskumine

Replacement of systems worth almost €1 million and suspension of business activities

The virus spread to the construction company’s computers and servers. The company had to suspend its activities for weeks. Computers and servers were replaced as this was cheaper than deleting, formatting and restoring old systems.

Pea 900 000 € maksma läinud õiguskulud, GDPR trahv ja kahjuhüvitis

Almost EUR 900,000 in legal costs, a GDPR fine and damages

Information related to the personal and bank accounts of employees and visitors was hacked and stolen from the hotel’s information systems. The information was sold to a website that used the data to create false identities.

We reimburse the costs of services related to the cyber incident, the damage caused to the company and claims from third parties.
  • Crisis management

    Covered non-deductible crisis management and data leakage reporting costs.

  • Data and system recovery

    Coverage of damage incurred by the company.

  • Suspension of business activity

    Coverage of damage due to suspension of business activities.

  • Cyber extortion and fraud

    Reimbursement of damages due to ransomware attacks and financial fraud.

  • Technical failure and user error

    Coverage of damage to or loss of data due to a computer system failure or user error.

  • Company's claims

    Funds are provided for indemnification of liability insurance claims.

Helen Evert
‘’Cyber risk is currently a TOP 3 risk according to companies.’’
Helen Evert

Insurance Broker

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